13 Things About Energy Healing You May Have Not Known
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13 Things About Energy Healing You May Have Not Known

It is no surprise when mom guilt, overwhelm, and exhaustion set in that it causes little to no desire to do anything other than stay in bed.  Now I know you push yourself to get out of bed and finish everything.  I also know what it feels like by the end of the day.  The burning, repetitive question of “what is it all for” can trigger your stress anxiety and depression.  The great thing is that energy healing is a great source of recuperation and strength.  In this article, I will be sharing 13 things about energy healing you may have not known.

woman in white sweater sitting on wooden floor
Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

What is Energy Healing & Why Should You Care

While I appreciate doctors and medicines very much, holistic approaches are more of my thing.  If you are like me and prefer to avoid the negative side effects of long-term medication use.  Or if you simply don’t have the time or funds to go to endless weekly therapy sessions that only provide temporary relief.  And you’re ready for something more.  Then, energy healing may be a support solution on how to overcome stress anxiety and depression.  What is energy healing you ask?

Energy healing is a holistic approach to help create balance, heal and remove blockages from every level of your being.  Let me ask you this:

  • Will having a clear flow of energy throughout the day help? 
  • Or having balance of your daily priorities and feeling energized relieve some stress?
  • How much help would it be to end the day in peace and harmony to love you and your kiddos at the end of the day?

If any of those questions were answered yes or are something you desire, then energy healing is for you.  Energy healing resets the balance between the negative and positive energies that you are surrounded by and may be holding onto.  It also provides an opportunity to unblock energies that may be trapped in certain areas of your existence.  When energy is trapped it cannot effectively do its thing.  Trust me, mom, I already know that we need all the energy we can get!

That is the reason why you should care about these 13 things about energy healing you may have not known.  Get ready to welcome in the world of energy healing and feel the relief it provides to overcome stress anxiety and depression.  I know it changed my world completely.  Remember, always keep an open mind and welcome those things that are less familiar.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

The 13 Things List

  1. Energy healing raises the level at which you function. When you are in vibe low mode then it can translate into physical issues.  Who has the time to be afflicted by exhaustion, overwhelm, and guilt?  That migraine that won’t go away or that nervousness or that desire to not eat or overeat or the neck pain, ever wonder where they come from?  Stress anxiety and depression may be taking over.  It’s time to raise that vibe mom.
  2. Energy healing is multidimensional. We exist on many different levels; physical, spiritual, mental, and within our souls.  They are all connected and one plane affects the other.  Since energy healing is multidimensional it can provide healing from emotional and physical traumas. 
  3. Everyone can be served by energy healing. I am a spiritual person and have great faith in God.  He is my higher power.  However, energy healing is not specific to only those that are spiritual.  It does not rely on your belief to work.  Energy is scientific and works for everyone.
  4. A way to avoid negative side effects and finally a gain with no pain. The entire process requires an assessment of your aura to reveal energetic blockages.  Chakras will be rebalanced, and blockages released as you lie down comfortably.  You may experience some lightheadedness or certain emotions due to traumas that exist at your core being released.  However, you will be guided on how to acknowledge them as they are released, and those spaces will be filled with new positive healing energies.
  5. It’s a great supplement. You have your routine to help with your stress anxiety and depression.  Energy healing is a great supplement to the current healing therapy you are using.  There is no need to stop what you got going on now.  Give it a try.
  6. You can do it from home. There are several different forms of energy healing that you can do from home.  You can think of it as a way to maintain the energy healing on your own.  Breathing techniques, essential oils, natural herbs, and meditation are all very helpful forms of DIY energy healing. 
  7. Energy healing is all about you. Energy healing is all about you and not the person conducting the session.  The person conducting the session is making a connection with your energy and channeling energy from the higher power to clear and increase positive vibes.  Your ability to open up allows for maximum energy healing, clearing, and balance. 
  8. Energy healing may be the answer to your pain. Ever go to the doctor and explain your pain.  They run multiple tests and there’s no explanation for the pain.  Still, they prescribe meds and it still doesn’t help?  The answer you may be looking for is energy healing.  Your body is designed to have a clear energy flow.  If there is a blockage your mind, body, and soul will let you know that there needs to be a clear connection to your spirit. 
  9. Nature can heal your energy. So, check it out.  If you’re not ready to visit an energy healer.  I get it.  It takes a while to build up to it.  Nonetheless, there are some energy healing techniques you can do which is totally one on one for you.  Taking a walk and enjoying nature on a sunny day can help balance your energies.  Simply take the time to focus on the small details that so easily get missed.  The bark of a tree, the color of the birds, the clouds in the sky, the smell of the air, or even the way your feet touch the ground. 
  10. It can be done from a distance. Holy macaroni right? COVID-19 has introduced us to a world of wow that left everyone on edge.  Well, energy healing breaks through that wall.  Why?  Because energy healing can be done from a distance.  Unbelievable right!  It’s true.  A simple comfy spot for you and a device for the conductor and bam, let the energy healing begin.
  11. There are different practices of energy healing. You may have heard of reiki healers or johrei, shamanic or spiritual healing or even light workers.  Always do your research and find the healer that best suits your needs.  There are many options for you and the goal is to get what you need from the session.
  12. Massages can heal your energy. Yes, this is your perfect reason to go out and get that massage.  Massages can provide energy healing.  It allows for tension to be relieved within the body and allows for a clear flow of energy.  The energy flow increases the energy to the brain and provides a moment of tranquility. 
  13. Sound and touch can help raise your vibe and heal your energy. Yes, all the screaming in the house and kids crying can easily trigger your stress anxiety and depression.  Additionally, it does not help the kiddos either.  So, change the sound in your environment and begin your own energy healing.  Many hospitals and doctors are implementing Vibrational Sound Therapy.  Try different musical instruments or even play some high vibe music to chill out the situation. There is also a tapping technique called EFT that can help raise your vibes and clear your energy. 
boat deck calm dawn dusk
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

360 Overview

There are many ways energy healing can be practiced.  You can hire an energy healer or you can practice energy healing at home.  The one fact remains that energy healing works to raise your vibe and clear the flow of energy.  If you want to overcome stress anxiety and depression this is a holistic solution that provides relief.  There is no need to suffer from mom guilt, overwhelm, and exhaustion.  Check out energy healing.

What’s Next?

If you have tried energy healing I would love to know.  Feel free to comment below and let me know if it worked for you.  Or perhaps, you want more information about it here to serve and help.  Energy healing is one of the practices included in my signature coaching package.  There is definitely a reason for it, it improves lives.